Rare Earth Elements For Electronics. Despite their name, most are abundant in nature but are hazardous to extract. However, that of cerium is 3.2, and europium and ytterbium are divalent.
Neodymium, germanium, terbium, yttrium and more. Rare earths are a series of chemical elements found in the earth's crust that are vital to many modern technologies, including consumer electronics, computers and networks, communications, clean energy, advanced transportation, health care, environmental mitigation, national defense, and many. Rare earth materials are important for many aspects, including electronics, internet, communication, health care and so on.
Electric vehicles typically use two precious earth metals:
Despite their name, most are abundant in nature but are hazardous to extract. They include the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium. On the plus side, rare earth elements can be recycled from both magnets and from electronics equipment. While they may be important as dopants, the needed quantities you'll find them in the generators of wind turbines, the motors of electric cars and many speakers.
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